Food & Drink


We provide breakfast at a mutually agreed time. A continental style breakfast with a cooked option every morning (usually involving eggs and British pork products) and there is always a large pan of porridge on the hob. You can also help yourself if you have an nearly start on a transfer day or fancy a lie-in. If it’s your birthday or you have a cholesterol death-wish, a Full English can be laid on!  See our breakfast menu here.

Evening meal:

We often cook a communal evening meal in the chalet. You can contribute to the cost or offer to cook for everyone yourself one night. If you want Chris to cook,  let him know 24 hours in advance.  See our evening menu here for an idea of what Chris is capable of successfully cooking!

Tea & coffee:

There is always a pot of coffee on the go and you can make a hot drink any time you like.

Honesty bar:

You can help yourself to any of the drinks in the fridge!  Record what you took and we’ll ask for a contribution, or you can replace what you drank – we rely on your honesty. It’s a myskifriends custom to bring a bottle of duty free (or two) and leave what you don’t consume for the next people.

skiing with demons